USRP N300是一种网络软件定义无线电(SDR),为大规模和分布式无线系统的部署提供可靠性和容错能力。USRP N300设备通过引入独特的功能来远程执行任务,如更新软件、重新启动、工厂重置、自我测试、主机PC/ARM调试和监视系统健康状况,从而简化了无线电网络的控制和管理。
RF前端使用AD9371收发器,这是来自AnalogDevice的最新RFIC技术,提供2X2 MIMO能力,最高100 MHz瞬时带宽,扩展频率范围10 MHz~6 GHz。
开源的USRP硬件驱动程序(UHD) API和射频片上网络(RFNoC) FPGA开发框架减少了软件开发工作,并与GNU Radio等多种行业标准工具集成。用户可以快速原型化和可靠地部署各种SDR应用程序的设计,如无线试验台、远程无线电头、频谱监控等。请注意,USRP N300不是为快速调谐而设计的,因而不适合跳频应用。
基带处理器使用Xilinx Zynq-7035 SoC提供大容量用户可编程FPGA进行实时和低延迟处理,以及双核ARM CPU用来进行独立运行。用户可以直接将应用程序部署到预装的嵌入式Linux操作系统上,或者通过两个SFP+端口使用高速接口(如1GigE、10GigE和Aurora)将采样数据注入到PC上。
USRP N300具有灵活的同步体系结构,支持传统的SDR同步方法,如时钟参考、PPS时间参考和GPSDO,从而实现了高通道数MIMO系统。此外,USRP N300采用开源的White Rabbit时序协议,具有独特的基于以太网的同步特性。在没有gps的环境中,White Rabbit可以实现长距离的精确基带同步。有关更多信息,请参见Ettus Research的“Using Ethernet-Based Synchronization on the USRP N3xx Devices”。
Reliable and fault-tolerant deployment
Remote management capability
Stand-alone (embedded) or host-based (network streaming) operation
Fully integrated and assembled (the USRP N300 does not support swappable daughtercards)
10 MHz to 6 GHz extended frequency range
Up to 100 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth per channel
2 RX, 2TX in half-wide RU form factor[1]
RX, TX filter bank
16 bit ADC, 14 bit DAC
Configurable sample rates: 122.88, 125, and 153.6 MS/s
Xilinx Zynq-7035 SoC
Two SFP+ ports (1 Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Aurora)
RJ45 (1 GbE)[2]
Clock reference
PPS time reference
Built-in GPSDO
Ethernet-based synchronization using White Rabbit protocol
1 Type A USB host port
1 micro-USB port (serial console, JTAG)
Watchdog timer
CE certified
OpenEmbedded Linux
USRP Hardware Driver™(UHD) open-source software API version or later
RF Network on Chip (RFNoC™) FPGA development framework
Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 Design Suite(license not included)
GNU Radio support maintained by Ettus Research™ through GR-UHD, an interface to UHD distributed by GNU Radio
USRP N300 does not contain a Trusted Platform Module
[1]The RF front-end uses an AD9371 transceiver that is independently tunable. The transceiver is capable of 2X2 MIMO operation.
[2]The RJ45 port is used for remote management of the device and does not support IQ streaming.